Saturday, April 20, 2013

Seraj Library at Deir Ammar Refugee Camp Is Thriving

Estephan and I spent Thursday afternoon visiting three Seraj libraries - at the Deir Ammar Refugee Camp, in Jifna and Kufor Ni'meh. In short Deir Amma is thriving, Jifna is happily overcrowded and Kufor Ni'meh is preparing to open May 1 under a new mayor and village council  and 7 new computers and desks which arrived while we were there.

But first, to the "rugs" at Deir Ammar.

Not the usual way to start, but these are the most wonderful floor coverings I've ever seen. They're rubber and, as you can see, colorful and interesting. The library now has two spacious rooms, with reading tables in one and the computers in the second. It was a wonderful scene.

As always, pictures tell the best story. But it's important to know about another initiative at Deir Ammar, their work with mentally challenged children and their families and their hope to integrate these children with those with normal development. Here are wonderful people who oversee these programs.

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